Thanks to the 60+ gymnasts, coaches and their families who came away on our Budle Bay camping weekend. A great time was had by all and the kids really seemed to enjoy the rockpooling, rounders and football.  We all had great fun despite the bad weather on Saturday. Everyone was brilliantly behaved (apart from the 3 ladies under the veranda :))).

My favourites were Bunkhouse Bingo and Jo's Torchlight Quiz.

Click on any of the images below to start a slideshow of 54 pictures we have uploaded:

[lg_folder folder="Camping Aug 2013/" count="3" cols="3" paging="false"]

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The City of Newcastle Gymnastics Academy provides quality facilities and the development of gymnastics throughout the North of England. The Gymnastics Academy creates the best opportunities, inspires and develops gymnasts for all abilities. ❤

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