Well done to the Women's Artistic gymnasts below for winning their coaches award in September for improvement, hard work, sticker chart or great attitude. What a fantastic bunch you are.
Who wants to win it next month?
Well done Keiney from Lynn and Mia's mini squad on winning September's hardest worker trophy
Super improvements from Katja, winning the trophy for Kerry and Kerry's group.
Great effort from Stephanie from Clare's group for taking the sticker chart trophy
Fab work from Isobel from Joanne and Judith's group, winning the sticker chary trophy in September
What a great month from this girl! Hannah takes the Hardest worker trophy from Jo and Jud's group
Well Done to these 2 girls from Judith and Amy's group! Macey taking the hardest worker trophy and Ava taking the sticker chary trophy
Well done to Ava and Arianna from Clare's group for both winning the hardest worker trophy for September