We are able to offer Preshool Sessions starting on 3rd May 2021 till 25th July 2021. We offer Joey's classes, suitable for 18 months to school age which is a parent and child based session. We also offer Kangaroo classes, which is an independent class suitable for 3 years - school age.
When: Daily (please see booking form below for timetable).
Price: Joey's - £4.00; Kangaroo's - £5.00 - for taster session (if you would like to accept your place after your taster session, you will be required to pay full term fees).
BOOK A TASTER SESSION BELOW - please see below the available TASTER SESSIONS and register with your child's details (if you would like to book a full term, this will be bookable after your first taster session.
*please make sure you select the correct age and time for your child which you can find on each booking header.
**if one or more sessions is sold out and you would like to attend, please FILL IN Preschool Enquiry form below by clicking on the purple square and select session(s) you interested at. If space will become available we will contact you straight away.