Before entering the gym
1. Shoes should be removed before entering the gym.
2. A coach will welcome you.
3. CNGA will not accept any responsibility for personal belongings being lost or stolen.
4. Food is not allowed in the Gymnastics Centre at any time.
5. Drinks maybe taken into the gym but must be consumed at the viewing section of the recreational
area off the recreational floor.
On entering the gym
6. If this is your first time introduce yourself to the coaches so they are aware that it’s your first time
and they will assist you and remind you of some of our rule and regulations.
7. Jewellery must be removed before participating in the session.
8. Gymnasts must wear suitable sports clothing during the training session, jeans are not suitable.
9. All long hair must be tied back
During the session
10. Respect the gym at all times and do not abuse the equipment - if in doubt ask the coach.
11. Please be sensible during the session, always seek coaches help when necessary and
always when trying new skills.
12. One person at a time when using the inflatable track or trampoline.
13. Gymnasts are not allowed to adjust the height or remove any part of the fixed apparatus. If
you use any other form of equipment please return it to its original place.
14. NO CAMERAS or MOBILE PHONES are to be allowed during the session.
A member of staff will remind you if any of the above is not adhered too.
I declare that I am in good health, I understand gymnastics involves certain risks although mats and other
equipment are provided for my protection, may not be able to prevent injury.
I hereby acknowledge my understanding of the risk involved in participating in Gym Fit and
voluntarily participate.
Making payment for the SEN Stay & Play session indicates acceptance of the above terms and conditions.
PLEASE NOTE - Coaches have the right to ask you to leave if you do not adhere to the above terms and