Our Boys took part in the Pipers Vale Men’s Cup at the weekend, for some this was their first competition.

boys pipers vale 1

Massive well done to Tyler (12th), Will (14th), Dylan (31st) and Sam (36th) at their first competition in Pipers Vale. Fantastic results.



boys pipers vale 2


Bronze for Danny on High Bar and Silver on Pommel and All around 7th. Seth finishes 17th out of 35. Well done to both.




boys pipers vale 3Freddy Gold medal winner on Vault

boys pipers vale 4Brilliant results in the under 10's - George 8th, Freddy 9th, Kurtis 15th from 48 gymnasts

Good results for first competition for under 9s - Jack 28th, Aiden 32nd, Thomas C 35th, Thomas M 49th, Lewis 51st out of 72 gymnasts.

Great effort from all of the boys, give yourself a big pat on the back!



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